How to solve the problem of weak, dull hair and excessive hair loss? The answer to this question was found at the beginning of the 20th century. Lasers can help hair loss and other conditions. GrivaMax offers two innovative, compact, and efficient devices:
Laser Cap GrivaMax 148 – with the help of this hair regrowth laser treatment you will forget about dull and weak hair!
Laser Cap GrivaMax 272 Pro – will help you to stop excessive hair loss.
The work of both devices is based on the effect of low level laser (low-level laser therapy, 650 nm) on the cells and tissues of the body. How does this therapy work? How come that after laser hair growth treatment our locks begin to grow, shine, and look stunning?
There is no secret. For a better understanding of low-level lasers, we should first learn about our hair.
Hair: what is it?
Each hair consists of a root (follicle) and a hair shaft. The shaft is a mirror of your health, your diet, and your emotional state. But it’s only the visible part of the iceberg. Follicles are responsible for the beauty and health of our hair. Sometimes follicles don’t receive sufficient nutrition because of some internal reasons, for example, an increase in dihydrotestosterone levels. Then our hair immediately reacts with different conditions – it can become dull, brittle, or weak, etc. The ultimate result is hair loss. That’s where emergency measures are needed. The laser hair restoration method can help to effectively achieve a result in both cases, absolutely pain-free.
How does hair grow?
Stages of hair growth:
Anagen (growth). 80-90% of our hair is constantly in this stage. Whatever you do, they grow. It’s good news. At some point, stem cells migrate to the dermal papilla to get a “specialization”, and a new hair is started. When this process is disrupted, hair begins to fall out, and the new ones stop growing. Laser hair regrowth treatment can “repair” this mechanism and normalize the process.
Catagen (transition). 1 to 2% of hair is in this stage. This phase is transitional. Healthy hair normally has a thickening at the end. It is an important sign for a trichologist, which indicates a full-fledged hair cycle. Catagen lasts about two to three weeks. During this stage, hair is impossible to restore with any method, including laser light hair growth treatment.
Telogen (rest). Hair is no longer alive, but also not dead. Hair will stay on the head for up to four months. Normally 10% to 15% of hair is in this stage. In the telogen phase, hair can only fall out due to mechanical reasons.
How does low level laser work?
The mechanism is simple. Laser hair growth (low-level laser therapy) provides stimulation of the deep tissues. Radiation with a wavelength of 650nm affects the hair follicle, speeding up blood flow and activating nutrition, so the follicle is saturated with nutrients and comes back to life with the help of portable hair growth lasers.
This method of hair nutrition stimulation and strengthening can be used both independently and as a part of therapy. Laser therapy provides an excellent result:

As a recovery therapy after hair transplantation.
The laser stimulates hair growth by improving nutrition of the transplanted hairs. Hair gets even more oxygen and nutrients. Laser hair growth can be used right after transplantation.

As a supportive method in combination with Minoxidil and DHT-blocker.
In combination, those three treatments have a noticeable effect on hair follicles. Minoxidil helps hair to grow, while DHT-blocker helps to maintain old hairs (prolonging the growth phase). Laser hair growth – strengthens follicle nutrition and speeds up all processes.
Does laser hair regrowth work?
We strongly recommend using lasers for hair growth. The GrivaMax laser is a cap that has a plate equipped with a specific number of red light lasers, set to a wavelength of 650 nm.

For people who want to improve the condition of their hair, we recommend the model GrivaMax Laser Cap 148. The last numbers equal the number of diodes in the model. This amount is enough to provide full nutrition to your hair.

We recommend GrivaMax Laser Cap 272 Pro as a method of hair growth light treatment for alopecia. The name of the model 272 equals the number of laser diodes built in the cap. This figure is ideal for providing maximum power for hair growth.
Very important!
Your hair will grow only if you are using the right type of laser. Please note that it should be laser diodes, not LEDs or other light sources. Only then can you call it laser hair growth.
The history of laser therapy
Lasers have been used for the treatment of various diseases for a long time. In 1903, N.R. Finsen proved that the higher the spectrum that is used for therapy, the higher the effect of treatment will be. In 1964, Ch. Townes discovered the mechanism of the laser, and also came up with an idea of using lasers for hair growth. In 1967, a Hungarian scientist accidentally discovered the hair growth effect after experimenting with irradiation on mice. The first experiments of using lasers for hair growth on humans were conducted in the early 1970s. Today, you can find information on the effectiveness of hair restoration after low-level laser therapy in multiple studies.