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Beautiful Hair: The Right Way to Wash

Hair washing is a routine procedure. It is important to remember several things to wash it correctly and to maintain healthy hair. Some common mistakes will lead to negative consequences, which are difficult to eliminate. So, what is the right way to wash your hair?

Wash your hair only when it’s needed. According to the experts, hair can suffer from grease that is accumulated in the roots and isn’t removed on time. Dust and grease create the perfect environment for harmful bacteria that can cause the development of dermatological diseases and even slow down hair growth.

Basic rules for washing hair

Following those recommendations, you can not only properly wash your hair but also improve its look, adding shine and natural radiance.

1. Start with rinsing

Hair should be completely wet before adding shampoo. Hot water will open the cuticles, which is important for removing grease.

2. Apply conditioner before the shampoo

If you have long hair, protect the brittle ends from drying and further damage. Rinse it with a small amount of conditioner before using shampoo. This is not only a protective measure, but also a way to make your strands more smooth and shiny.

3. Apply shampoo to the scalp

With foam shampoo in your palms, spread a small amount on your scalp, not forgetting the back of your head. Don’t use more shampoo than you need. If your hair is long or thick, double the amount of shampoo.

4. Wash your hair gently

Be gentle. Rough moves can permanently damage the cuticles of your hair, causing breakage and curling. Wash your hair softly. Begin with the roots. Vertical strokes with medium pressure can improve the blood circulation and stimulate hair growth. Avoid circular movements that can tangle your hair. Spread the foam over the entire length of the hair with straight moves. Don’t rub split ends.

Proper care hair

5. Apply hair conditioner from the middle part of the hair to the tips

After you rinse off the shampoo, wipe your hair before applying the conditioner. Leave the product on for 10–15 minutes. The longer the conditioner stays and wraps your hair, the better effect you will get. Do not apply the conditioner to the root part of the hair.

6.Rinse your hair with cold water

Cold water will close the cuticle, sealing its outer layer. Your hair will become smooth and shiny.

7. Use masks

How often you should apply the mask depends on the condition of your hair, mask components, and the effect that you want to receive. Use a regenerating mask for damaged hair 3-4 times a week. To provide a preventive effect, apply the mask several times a week.

Useful tips for hair beauty

Use shampoo and conditioner that are right for your hair type. If the strands are dry, choose moisturizers. If you constantly dye your hair, choose a product that provides a restoring effect.

The frequency of washes depends on the hair type. If you have oily or thin hair, you may need shampoo for daily use. Three times a week is usually enough for normal or dry hair.

Use filtered water. Trichologists recommend using water filters. Filters absorb rust and minerals that can make hair dull, stiff, or damaged.

What if the wash is not the reason for hair problems?

Sometimes it’s not enough just to wash your hair properly to maintain its health and beauty. You might need to use emergency measures to treat hair problems and hair loss. The first step is to go to the trichologist. The second is to review your diet. The third is to use proven measures that you can perform at home and achieve good results after consulting with a doctor.

Posted by Kira Johnson on 08.12.2017 view count 995
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5 thoughts on “Beautiful Hair: The Right Way to Wash”

  1. Pauelo says:

    If I understood correctly, if you have severe hair loss it’s not because you don’t wash your hair thoroughly enough?

    1. GrivaMax says:

      You need to consult the doctor to receive the right and effective treatment.

  2. Waleghwa says:

    My husband doesn’t use any masks or conditioners, only usual shampoo and his hair looks much better than mine… This is genetics)

  3. Sree says:

    After washing the hair with shampoo, I always rinse it with cold water. It has a very beautiful gloss after this procedure.

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