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Posted by GrivaMax Team on 16.02.2018 view count 451 2
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Yes, beautiful hair is healthy hair – healthy from the inside. The way we wash, dry, comb, and style our hair has a huge influence on it. Here you will find several tips on how to take care of your hair and protect it. Magic combs Early in the morning, when getting ready for a … Read more

Hair care

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 12.06.2018 view count 1,453 1
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We begin to accept the problem of hair loss and its treatment seriously only after we actually facing it ourselves. If you need to quickly learn about the causes and treatment of alopecia, this article is for you. Of course, it doesn’t provide encyclopedic knowledge, but it will help you to find answers and navigate … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 26.12.2017 view count 1,434 3
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The world market for hair care products should make 85 billion dollars in 2017. By 2021, it will reach a striking level of 94 billion. This fact is predicted by many experts. The increase in the number of hair care products does not improve the statistics. Today, more than 80 million men and women suffer … Read more

Posted by Evelina Cosgrou on 15.12.2017 view count 1,112 5
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The problem of baldness has always existed. Today, hair loss affects about half of the 30-year-old men in the UK. Baldness is not harmful to the health and is it’s not a contagious disease. Hair loss affects only self-esteem and psychological state. Baldness can cause depression, mood swings and problems with social life. Today there … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 12.12.2017 view count 1,016 5
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Almost every day you can find news about effective remedies against hair loss. In reality, it’s not so easy to find a reliable medicine even at doctor’s office. As a result, pharmaceutical companies are desperate to come up with a solution for baldness problem. More likely it will be very complicated, expensive and suspicious medicines. … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 08.12.2017 view count 995 5
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Hair washing is a routine procedure. It is important to remember several things to wash it correctly and to maintain healthy hair. Some common mistakes will lead to negative consequences, which are difficult to eliminate. So, what is the right way to wash your hair? Wash your hair only when it’s needed. According to the … Read more

Posted by Evelina Cosgrou on 01.12.2017 view count 1,615 3
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Dry hair is a problem for most women nowadays. Some people have had this issue since birth, while others start to struggle at a more mature age. Dryness can be caused by the negative influence of the environment, stresses, improper care, and frequent use of shampoos. You can return the health and attractiveness of your … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 28.11.2017 view count 958 3
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Treatment with oils significantly improves the look of our hair, that’s why spa procedures are so popular even for use at home. Hair Spa is a complex of measures that positively affect the condition of hair and scalp. It is recommended to use not only therapeutic baths and rinses but also massages, as well as … Read more

Posted by Evelina Cosgrou on 24.11.2017 view count 934 3
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Polluted environment, frequent dying, and aggressive care procedures lead to dry and damaged hair. It loses its natural color and shine, becoming dull and difficult to style. This situation can only be improved with proper care, which includes nourishing masks and other remedies made from natural ingredients. You should also use homemade recipes to get … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 20.11.2017 view count 1,051 4
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Healthy hair is important at any age. The more regular and better care you take, the more attractive and healthier your hair will look. Oily hair should be washed only with cool water. Spread shampoo over the scalp and apply only the foam along the length of the strands. Use conditioner after the hair has … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 14.11.2017 view count 827 3
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Frost, wind, and precipitation – all these winter weather conditions are bad, not only for our skin, but also our hair. Wearing hats and the dry air only worsen the problem. The lack of vitamins also negatively affects hair. Hair becomes dry and brittle, causing dandruff to appear. That’s why the issue of protecting hair … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 08.11.2017 view count 1,149 2
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There are many causes of hair loss. Most often, it is related to the natural aging process. Other reasons include various diseases or having a hereditary predisposition. Men are more prone to baldness, and with women, it is usually diffusive. Hair falls out from the entire scalp evenly. the volume decreases and you can see … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 19.07.2017 view count 1,443 4
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Aloe is a unique plant that is used to treat and prevent various diseases. The second part of its name means “century”: according to some beliefs, the person who is using it can live up to a hundred years. Traditional medicine has a significant number of recipes with aloe. Aloe is widely used for hair … Read more

Posted by Evelina Cosgrou on 17.07.2017 view count 1,341 6
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Amla (Indian gooseberry) is a small plant that grows in the country of India. It has yellow fruits the size of a plum, which is rich in nutrients that our body needs. In medical practice, they are used as a powder or oil to rejuvenate the skin and restore the structure of the hair. Amla … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 14.07.2017 view count 1,285 1
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The market offers a wide variety of pharmaceutical products that improve hair growth, and prevent hair loss and thinning hair. However, they are expensive and can cause the development of allergic reactions, and often they don’t work. Traditional medicine that involves the use of herbs is considered to be a safer option. It has been … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 11.07.2017 view count 978 6
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Hair gives a woman an opportunity for extensive experiments. While following fashion trends, we shouldn’t forget about the health of our hair. Chemical dyes, constant use of a hair dryer, and all kinds of waving and styling products have an adverse impact on our hair, weakening it which can lead to hair loss. Hairstyles can … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 07.07.2017 view count 1,328 5
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Hair analysis is a scientific study. When new cells form in the hair follicle, they capture the “traces” of substances passing through the bloodstream. As the hair grows, new cells displace the old ones, and when they come out of the bulbs, they die and harden, retaining the data on what was in the blood … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 04.07.2017 view count 1,723 4
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Hair product commercials guarantee us beautiful, silky, and shiny hair in a short time.The components providing this magical result are nothing more than acid-containing compounds called silicones. Silicone, also known as Dimethicone or Cyclomethicone, is a derivative of silicon that is found in glass, quartz, and sand. Silicone has been used in the production of … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 27.06.2017 view count 1,022 1
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Unlike the usual dates that are sold in the dried fruit section, tamarind is a different fruit with unique properties. The second name of the tamarind is an Indian date. It is commonly used in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology. The ripe fruit is characterized by the sweet taste and wonderful aroma. Indian dates at different … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 26.06.2017 view count 971 2
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If your hair is dry and weak, then it’s time to pay more attention to moisturizing. You can use a help of traditional medicine and ready cosmetic products. Moisturizing conditioners, masks, balms, serums, and sprays are okay to use in moderation, applying them evenly. Moisturizing procedures should be applied continually and regularly, about 7-9 times … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 23.06.2017 view count 828 2
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The manufacture and sale of hair care products is one of the largest businesses that generates billions in revenue annually. This tendency can be explained by the fact that the majority of people hope to make their hair not only more beautiful, but also healthier by using hair products as often as possible. Shampoos, masks, … Read more

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