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Is GRIVAMAX LASER CAP equally effective for both men and women?

Despite the common opinion, not just men are likely to develop hair loss. Of course the causes of it will differ. The most common causes among men are metabolism disorders and hormonal changes. 2/3 of the male population on Earth suffer from baldness, which is why this subject is one of the most discussed topics on forums and social networks.

However, women are also affected by this problem. This problem has a different origin, though. Very often, hair gets thinner and starts to fall out as we age. According to research, about 30,000,000 women experience discomfort from excessive hair loss. And this data is only from the USA, which is why it’s not surprising that this subject is commonly discussed.

Grivamax men and women

Why is information about women’s baldness not widely available?

Baldness treatment for women is considered to be a more complicated process than with men. For example, the transplantation method is not always possible because women lose their hair from the entire head, not just from certain areas. It’s much easier to determine the area for follicle transplantation for men, and to find the perfect donor. With women, it can become a problem.

There are multiple “unisex’’ products that are supposed to treat baldness for both genders. For example, Rogaine. However, women who have long hair can’t easily use it (you need to spread the foam on the entire surface of the head). Men usually have short haircuts, which is why it’s quite easy for them to apply the product.

Propecia medications are also quite popular, but they also don’t work well for women. The active ingredients of this drug have not been proven to be safe for use during pregnancy. The main outcome of this medicine is the transformation of the male hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. We shouldn’t forget that an increase in testosterone in women can cause an irreparable hormonal disorder, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy. More informations about DHT-blockers: https://www.grivamax.com/dht-blockers-can-help/.

More effective with GrivaMax

Laser therapy for hair is a solution for both men and women

Unlike the other methods of baldness treatment, laser therapy gives an equally successful result regardless of gender. It can be used as an independent method of prevention or treatment, as well as to be part of the complex with another products or methods. This therapy can improve the effectiveness of medications, hair transplantation, or local treatment.

We suggest two types of laser caps to use after the consultation with a doctor. For prevention and as a form of extra stimulation, you can use GRIVAMAX LASER CAP 80. For the complex and complete treatment, we recommend GRIVAMAX LASER CAP 272 PRO. With the help of those devices, you have a chance for a unique laser treatment at home or any other convenient place- outside, in the car, or at work. There are a number of advantages which you will appreciate right after you purchased a laser cap:

  • Safe and convenient for use at home.
  • Only 30 minutes per day.
  • The highest number of lasers per square unit, which means the complete coverage of follicles around the head.
  • The absence of contraindications.
  • Gender, hair length, and race do not matter.

Hair loss is a problem for a large number of people around the world. That’s why you should not delay this important decision. Every person deserves shiny, thick hair – a sign of youth and good health.

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 07.04.2017 view count 955
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